Friday, July 30, 2010

Too good to be true...

I appreciate that I have such awesome running trails within a short distance of our home. There's alot of trails by the river and alot of railtrail that make for good running. I haven't hit much of them with my run, but they're definitely a good quick workout on the mountain bike. A quick hop on the highway and I can be to perfect running trails in exactly 7 minutes.
On the other hand, we have a lousy area to run on our streets. There are no sidewalks for the most part in our subdivision and where there are - you're likely to twist an ankle on them. Even worse, they are all very very dark in the evenings. I'm still working on getting my joints used to pounding on pavement so I'll stick to the trails for now. I have bad knees and according to my surgeon if I continue running I will not be able to walk by the time I'm 50. That's so far away though, so I'll worry about it then. I'm hoping trail running gives me an extra couple years.

So I turned in the longest run of MY ENTIRE LIFE! Did I mention I suck at running? Well, an 11km run is a huge accomplishment for me. I felt great, and am astonished by my pace! Any pace with a 6 in front of it is acceptable pace for me (6:xx Min/Km) so to do this at a 5 something is spectacular. Sad isn't it? I can only improve from here though! This was just a run, and I know if I put a bike in front of it I will add at least a minute to the pace/km. I look forward to getting stronger with experience. I love a challange. I never lose. :)

This VLOG might show sideways. I couldn't figure out how to rotate it, I didn't have time to mess about this round. I'm still new at this :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the IM signup!!! we sound similar...I did my first Tri Oly distance 7/10 and last weekend did a 70.3. Looking forward to this !!!



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